In recent years, Xiangtan City has focused on expanding and strengthening the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) automobile industrial cluster, planning and building the CZT new energy vehicle town, and promoting the intelligent upgrading of automobile manufacturing process. It has made efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create new quality productive forces clusters through the construction of smart factories. The photo above, taken on March 22, shows workers going full throttle to fulfill orders to meet market demand at the Geely Automobile manufacturing base located in the Xiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)
In recent years, Xiangtan City has focused on expanding and strengthening the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) automobile industrial cluster, planning and building the CZT new energy vehicle town, and promoting the intelligent upgrading of automobile manufacturing process. It has made efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create new quality productive forces clusters through the construction of smart factories. The photo above, taken on March 22, shows workers going full throttle to fulfill orders to meet market demand at the Geely Automobile manufacturing base located in the Xiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)
In recent years, Xiangtan City has focused on expanding and strengthening the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) automobile industrial cluster, planning and building the CZT new energy vehicle town, and promoting the intelligent upgrading of automobile manufacturing process. It has made efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create new quality productive forces clusters through the construction of smart factories. The photo above, taken on March 22, shows workers going full throttle to fulfill orders to meet market demand at the Geely Automobile manufacturing base located in the Xiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)
In recent years, Xiangtan City has focused on expanding and strengthening the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) automobile industrial cluster, planning and building the CZT new energy vehicle town, and promoting the intelligent upgrading of automobile manufacturing process. It has made efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create new quality productive forces clusters through the construction of smart factories. The photo above, taken on March 22, shows workers going full throttle to fulfill orders to meet market demand at the Geely Automobile manufacturing base located in the Xiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)
In recent years, Xiangtan City has focused on expanding and strengthening the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (CZT) automobile industrial cluster, planning and building the CZT new energy vehicle town, and promoting the intelligent upgrading of automobile manufacturing process. It has made efforts to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create new quality productive forces clusters through the construction of smart factories. The photo above, taken on March 22, shows workers going full throttle to fulfill orders to meet market demand at the Geely Automobile manufacturing base located in the Xiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)
This article is from the Hunan Provincial Government
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